Who are we
Who are we
The ALS Liga België vzw / Ligue SLA Belgique asbl was officially founded in February 1995 (Belgian Official Journal 15.06.1995) by a group of patients and their relatives. They all needed correct information, help and coordination concerning ALS care.
The organization addresses to all Belgian ALS patients. The management is only made up of ALS patients or their family members having the advantage that they know the disease and its direct and indirect consequences very well. Their motto of device is:
Into the breach for ALS
The non-profit organization with Enterprise number ON 0455.335.321 comes under the Gracious patronage of Her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians and is associated in the coordinating International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations.
Meanwhile, the organization has grown into an organization which is ready to help people with ALS and their family members 7 days a week. Now the association disposes of a secretariat of her own manned of volunteers. It has its seat at Vaartkom 17, 3000 Leuven. Tel. +32(0)16/23.95.82, fax +32(0)16/29.98.65, e-mail info@als.be, website www.ALS.be.
We dispose of numerous tools from A to Z like wheel chairs, going from the most simple to the most sophisticated computer-controlled ones. All kinds of communication devices, environment operating systems, etc. People with ALS who are member of the organization, can make use of this service when the necessity for aid is essential.
People can ask us any question and we will try to answer them as much as possible, otherwise they will be referred to physicians or the authorities.
ALS Liga België received Honorary Doctorate.
Honorary Doctorate
Meeting place Self-Help exists 30 years and this has been celebrated on Friday, October 26th 2012. As a token of sincere appreciation the ALS Liga received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty Social Sciences that day. Also princess Mathilde attended this celebration.
Annemie Vandermeulen: “There are very large groups, with 24.000 members and also very small ones, sometimes temporary initiatives.” All these associations can contact meeting place Self-Help for education, guidance and advice.
The support of companions
The celebration was introduced by Professor Koen Matthijs, chairman of the meeting place. He called support groups the “best possible support: These are companions that know very well that a problem can start vaguely, but end painfully sharp. It is they who from the belly know how things fit together, how you can cope with it, how you can control it.” Emeritus professor Yvo Nuyens who founded meeting place Self-Help in 1982, then explained the history.
After a lecture and a group conversation in the afternoon where people discussed which accents the meeting place should lay in the future, Minister Joke Schauvliege together with Vice rector Filip Abraham presented the honorary doctorate. For the first time this honorary doctorate was not presented to one but different representatives of several groups, among which the ALS Liga.
P.S. We would like to thank the meeting place for their advice and support since the start of the Liga, almost eighteen years ago, and the good contact with Peter Gielen and his fellow workers. Evy Reviers gladly took the recognition, in the name of the Liga and all its volunteers.