ALS, unknown to society ...
Many people have made mention to the league that this disease doesn’t have and doesn’t get the fame or media attention it deserves, which we obviously regret.
We would like to get into this matter and clarify: In our offices lately we get more and more requests for interviews from different sources such as newspapers, magazines and television makers. They would like to talk with, write about or make a program about ALS patients and/or their families. Due to privacy laws we always contact the patients first to ask for their collaboration. It is usually very hard to find a patient who is willing to cooperate. We do understand very well that it is not easy to tell your story in front of the camera, or to a stranger and even though we try hard to convince people, we often end up without a willing victim.
That way we lose a lot of interesting opportunities to make our needs and problems related with this awful disease known to the public. This is why the ALS Liga is looking for patients from all over the country who wouldn’t mind giving an interview or working with certain media. It could also mean a unique opportunity to speak your mind and it could offer ALS the fame and attention it deserves ...
TIP : Set your limits to the journalist, let them know what is acceptable for you and what isn’t. Ask a preview before publishing, etc...
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