Angie Bordaen

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I played paintball with my husband Frank for 23 years, e.g. 10 years international competition and several years at a semi-pro level.

Back in 2003 we turned our passion into our job and opened, a business specialized in paintball.

At the end of September 2013 I played my last game. On February 6 2014, after been sent from pillar to post, I was diagnosed for ALS.

As paintballers we went to many tournaments and the friends we made there are nothing short of indescribable.

Just for fun our best fiends signed in again with a team for an International tournament in Bitburg, Germany.

The trip had hardly begun and it was already clear to me that this tournament would be my party.

On the picture with my London friends, in a former teammate's T-shirt, 2 jerseys of the best Belgian pro team “Breakout Spa” and then the true cherry on the cake: a unique personalized pink team jersey from my American friends playing for the pro team “LA Infamous”

What started as a joke became in fact a dream come true. The drive and motivation to play that event for me lead to “European Champions“ in Division 2!

So proud of my p8 family team!

Those were very emotional 4 days and they really closed with a bang!


Source: ALS Liga-magazine 168 – April, Mai, June 2015
